June 1st is here and we have plenty to celebrate. We finished up the year in speech therapy this past week. We celebrated with decorate your own cupcakes and played Marble Mixer on the iPad. All students brought their folders home and can use the papers in them for summer practice. Progress Reports will be sent home with their last report cards.

It has been an awesome year in Speech! I watched my students grow, not only in their speech and language skills, but in maturity, and some of them in height!!
As most of you know, our Webster school will now be a dedicated Kindergarten center. I will stay at Webster, while my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders will move to different buildings. Their IEP's and services will not change, just the Speech Therapist and location. I will miss my kids deeply, but will enjoy exploring language and speech with our littlest Eskymos.
Have a wonderful summer and if you need to reach me, please contact Webster Elementary at 786-6118.