With Summer approaching, kids can continue working on their skills with your help. Click here for Summer Ideas!
1. Superior Rehabilitation & Professional Services WILL NOT BE PROVIDING ANY SUMMER THERAPY.
2. Camp Harstead - I heard they are working to open this day camp. is a day camp offered through the YMCA. Students with an IEP, are eligible. Please contact the YMCA to register your student.
3. Bay Cliff Health Camp - WILL NOT BE OPEN THIS SUMMER 😢
4. Outpatient therapy - Some insurance may pay for your child to have speech and language therapy.
Here is a link to OSF for more information.
Here is a link to UP Health Systems for more information.
4. Outpatient therapy - Some insurance may pay for your child to have speech and language therapy.
Here is a link to OSF for more information.
Here is a link to UP Health Systems for more information.