Wednesday, January 10, 2018


WELCOME BACK!!! It certainly was a nice break.  I hope you all came back refreshed and ready to work!

This month we will be talking about WINTER...brrrrrr.  We will be targeting vocabulary and speech sounds that talk about the season.

We started the year off with a marshmallow game.  The kids were so excited to  eat them.  We started talking about hot chocolate.  So this month we are celebrating the almighty HOT CHOCOLATE!!  We made our own hot chocolate mugs and will use the marshmallows to sip on hot chocolate at the end of the month.  We are playing hot chocolate games and having fun with our cold weather.

We will add a few "snow themed" books, but I am searching for a good hot chocolate book to add to my collection too.

We continue to work on vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension, and speech sounds.  I love to use stories to achieve these goals.  You can do this at home with your child.  Ask all those "who, what, when, where, how, why" questions and always use the "I wonder...." it keeps them engaged and improves comprehension.

Stay warm this month!