Monday, June 1, 2020

Week 8

JUNE 1-5

Yes! As a parent myself I feel this sense of relief and I am looking forward to relaxing a little more.  I am proud of all of YOU!!  Without your support, your children could not continue on their path to good communication.  I can't wait to start a regular school year.     

Speech and Language Lesson and Summer Carryover

During the month of JUNE focus on Vocabulary building… expand your child’s vocabulary you should provide a variety of labels for activities and objects as you encounter them in daily life. Repeat the words frequently in different situations.  Help your child learn to categorize/classify groups of things. (Ex. Groups of fruits, vegetables, items at a park, things that live in the water/woods, things you can ride).

During the month of JULY focus on Modeling…you are the model for your child’s speech and language.  Speak slowly and clearly. (This is a good technique for children with fluency disorders)   If your child has articulation or grammatical errors, repeat the correct sound/structure often and with emphasis. 
During the month of AUGUST  focus on Verbal planning…verbally prepare your child for upcoming events/activities.  Discuss what will happen and review it afterward.  Provide specific sequences and time markers.   For example, create a short story with pictures about a trip.  Have your child retell it to several people using words such as first, next, soon, later and finally.   

Summer Calendars for you to print and post. These are a few additional daily speech and language activities to choose!