Where is the time going??!! This weather is making me a little stir crazy. Hopefully we can get back into the swing of things and work hard until Spring Break!

We missed the actual Groundhogs day because it was on Saturday. Do you know if the groundhog saw his shadow? Hint... it will be an early spring!
This month we will begin our Valentine unit. Targeted areas will be vocabulary, traditions, speech sounds and reading a few books.
***Of course I have a game with "chocolate"!!****

We missed the actual Groundhogs day because it was on Saturday. Do you know if the groundhog saw his shadow? Hint... it will be an early spring!
This month we will begin our Valentine unit. Targeted areas will be vocabulary, traditions, speech sounds and reading a few books.
***Of course I have a game with "chocolate"!!****
We will read the book Love, Ruby Valentine by Laurie Friedman. Ruby is a busy little girl, who realizes she slept through Valentines Day!
We will be talking about our Presidents and celebrating them with board games, bingo games, and of course talking about money!
DON'T FORGET WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22TH. Teachers will be in Professional Development that day. I personally will be attending the the Special Education conference and will be gone on Thursday, Feb. 21st as well.
SNEAK PEEK!!!! Next month we celebrate Reading Month! It's always a lot of fun, and we do such fun lessons..... just a "hint" as to the theme this year.....
DON'T FORGET WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22TH. Teachers will be in Professional Development that day. I personally will be attending the the Special Education conference and will be gone on Thursday, Feb. 21st as well.
SNEAK PEEK!!!! Next month we celebrate Reading Month! It's always a lot of fun, and we do such fun lessons..... just a "hint" as to the theme this year.....