Tuesday, December 10, 2019

     **Christmas break is Dec. 23-Jan.1st.  Come back to school on Thursday, Jan. 2nd.  

How did we make it to the Christmas season...again??!!!  We are spending these few short weeks, reading Christmas stories, playing Christmas games, and getting ready for a much needed break!!  We talk about family traditions, and if they have put a tree or stocking up at their homes.  All those little eyes just light up when we start talking about it!

December words we have been talking about: 

Santa, Stocking, Sleigh, Decorations, Ornament, Wreath, Reindeer, Candle, present, Elf, poinsettia, holly berries, Eve

Just a few of the books we have been reading this month!  Remember that sharing a book with your child is an excellent way to improve vocabulary, answer "wh" questions, retell, sequencing, and working on speech sounds in a story! 

**Click HERE for some fun activities to do during the holidays!

**and even MORE websites to have Christmas fun!

I will be talking to my students about a neat website to watch Santa's Reindeer!  Click HERE to see it.  I think Santa shows up at 11am, 6pm and 9pm. We leave it on the computer all day to see the antics those reindeer cause.   So exciting to share and watch as a family.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my students and their families. Have a great winter break!!