Where is the time going??!! Happy Groundhogs Day, Valentines Day, Presidents Day!!! It is a busy month, and soon the kids will be celebrating the 100th Day!!
The first week of February we celebrated Groundhogs! We took a poll to see if the kids thought the groundhog would see his shadow. It was a tie, but we all know he didn't see his shadow.... EARLY SPRING here we come!! We read Who Will See Their Shadows This Year by Jerry Pallotta. We also read Groundhog Day by Betsy Lewin. We talked about how shadows are made, and made our own shadows on the tables, walls, and floor.

The week of Feb. 10th-14th we will start our Valentine unit. Targeted areas will be vocabulary, traditions, speech sounds and reading a few books.
We are playing Valentine Bingo game with Froot Loops as bingo chips. It's always a good time in Speech Class!!
The first week of February we celebrated Groundhogs! We took a poll to see if the kids thought the groundhog would see his shadow. It was a tie, but we all know he didn't see his shadow.... EARLY SPRING here we come!! We read Who Will See Their Shadows This Year by Jerry Pallotta. We also read Groundhog Day by Betsy Lewin. We talked about how shadows are made, and made our own shadows on the tables, walls, and floor.

The week of Feb. 10th-14th we will start our Valentine unit. Targeted areas will be vocabulary, traditions, speech sounds and reading a few books.
We are playing Valentine Bingo game with Froot Loops as bingo chips. It's always a good time in Speech Class!!
DON'T FORGET WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH. Teachers will be in Professsional Development that day.
MARCH is READING MONTH! It's always a lot of fun, and we do such fun lessons..... just a "hint" as to the theme this year.....
MARCH is READING MONTH! It's always a lot of fun, and we do such fun lessons..... just a "hint" as to the theme this year.....