Tuesday, December 10, 2019

     **Christmas break is Dec. 23-Jan.1st.  Come back to school on Thursday, Jan. 2nd.  

How did we make it to the Christmas season...again??!!!  We are spending these few short weeks, reading Christmas stories, playing Christmas games, and getting ready for a much needed break!!  We talk about family traditions, and if they have put a tree or stocking up at their homes.  All those little eyes just light up when we start talking about it!

December words we have been talking about: 

Santa, Stocking, Sleigh, Decorations, Ornament, Wreath, Reindeer, Candle, present, Elf, poinsettia, holly berries, Eve

Just a few of the books we have been reading this month!  Remember that sharing a book with your child is an excellent way to improve vocabulary, answer "wh" questions, retell, sequencing, and working on speech sounds in a story! 

**Click HERE for some fun activities to do during the holidays!

**and even MORE websites to have Christmas fun!

I will be talking to my students about a neat website to watch Santa's Reindeer!  Click HERE to see it.  I think Santa shows up at 11am, 6pm and 9pm. We leave it on the computer all day to see the antics those reindeer cause.   So exciting to share and watch as a family.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of my students and their families. Have a great winter break!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I can't believe I missed my most favorite Month...October!!!  We were so busy learning routines, speech sounds, and filling our folders with speech work.  Now onto.......


Thank you to all the parents I met at Parent Teacher conferences.  If you have any questions about your students' progress report, please contact me at Webster School!  

This month we are going to be talking...Thanksgiving!  I will read a few stories, played turkey games, and even colored a worksheet or two.   

Books we are reading this month: 

Who Will Carve the Turkey This Thanksgiving? by Jerry Pallotta

The Great Turkey Race by:  Steve Metzger
10 Fat Turkeys by:  Tony Johnston

Books continue to help us reach our goals in speech therapy.  We are working on skills for retell, sequence, answering"wh" questions, and practicing our speech sounds.  

A fun activity your children can do is to make placemats for the Thanksgiving table!  Below are some examples of color sheets they can prepare.  This helps with vocabulary, and the kids love to see their artwork on the table. 

Click here to print out more fun placemats for the kids to color and use at your Thanksgiving meal! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

           We are ready for Kindergarten!!!!

Welcome back!!!  I am excited to begin a new year! The bulletin board is up and my classroom is ready.  I am looking forward to seeing familiar faces, and meeting new ones:) 

COME VISIT AT OPEN HOUSE:  Wednesday, August 28 6:00pm-7:00pm

Wednesday, May 8, 2019



HERE WE GO!!! Our final full month of speech therapy.  As usual, I attend a lot of meetings out of my buildings to get ready for next year. It is a busy month. 

This month we will spend time talking about spring, flowers, bugs, and weather.  We will be reading stories to get our vocabulary and speech sounds just perfect. Progress reports will go home with report cards. 

 **Speech Folders will start to come home the week of May 28-31**  

Inside their folders are all the papers they have collected all year.  They can use these to practice over the summer.  

**Don't forget about Summer speech therapy!!  Follow my link on my page to learn more about opportunities for your student to keep up their speech skills!**

Monday, April 1, 2019


SPRING HAS ARRIVED!!  Well we think it has.. there is still snow on the ground, but I can see out of my classroom window, finally.  I came back from our Spring break rested, relaxed and ready to work for the next 11 weeks. 

This month we will be looking at our individual goals and taking lots of data.  I usually see a huge amount of progress from my students.   

We will be starting an Easter/spring unit for the next 2 months.  We will be learning vocabulary, do a bulletin board project, and read stories about Easter/Spring. We will find words with our sounds in them. We will be creating sentences to help with our expression.  We will continue to work on turn taking, asking/answering our friends, and visual (picture) thinking.  

Have you ever thought about using games at home to help with speech and language skills.  This month we are playing Go Fish!  

This simple game can help students with: turn taking, learning names, syntax (word order) listening, remembering, sequencing, grammar, vocabulary, and speech sounds, and math if using a regular deck of cards. We use pictures cards with our sounds on them.  Cards can be hard to hold for little hands.  We have long erasers or use card holders to help us. I think I bought them at the teacher store. We put a fishing pond in the center of the table and let the skills grow.  
If you would like a set of pictures cards, just let me know!

May will be coming quickly....so stay tuned. 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Happy Reading Month!  We are starting our celebration with our "Superheroes" theme.  All of our doors are decorated as well as our school.  Stop in and take a look! 

We continue to use stories and books to work on vocabulary, grammar, sequencing, retelling, and of course those speech sounds.  
"This just in"...........I ordered some fun Superhero books to share with the kids! 

Spring break  (March 25-29) is right around the corner.  If you are traveling, please talk about places you are visiting, or model good speech sounds on your trip.  If you are staying home, read and talk and relax!! It is so important to talk and read with your children every day. 

Monday, February 4, 2019


Where is the time going??!! This weather is making me a little stir crazy.  Hopefully we can get back into the swing of things and work hard until Spring Break!

We missed the actual Groundhogs day because it was on Saturday.  Do you know if the groundhog saw his shadow?  Hint... it will be an early spring!

This month we will begin our Valentine unit.  Targeted areas will be vocabulary, traditions, speech sounds and reading a few books.

***Of course I have a game with "chocolate"!!****

We will read the book Love, Ruby Valentine by Laurie Friedman.  Ruby is a busy little girl, who realizes she slept through Valentines Day!  

We will be talking about our Presidents and celebrating them with board games, bingo games, and of course talking about money!

DON'T FORGET WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22TH. Teachers will be in Professional Development that day.  I personally will be attending the the Special Education conference and will be gone on Thursday, Feb. 21st as well.

SNEAK PEEK!!!!  Next month we celebrate Reading Month!  It's always a lot of fun, and we do such fun lessons..... just a "hint" as to the theme this year.....

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


WELCOME BACK!!! It certainly was a nice break.  I hope you all came back refreshed and ready to work!

This month we will be talking about WINTER...brrrrrr.  We will be targeting vocabulary and speech sounds that talk about the season.

Students will be playing snow games, and will continue working on their goals! 

We will read The Biggest, Best Snowman by Margery Cuyler.  This book targets our skills for sequencing, recall, and social language.  We will pair it with a snowman listening worksheet and learn basic concepts for "widest/narrowest" "first, second, third" and first, middle, end".  

Next up, let the Marshmallow games begin!  We may get to hot cocoa by the end of January.

When we use books in therapy, we transform them into lessons.  We can learn new vocabulary, strengthen our listening and attention skills, and we can work on answering those "wh" questions about what we heard.  There are always ways to get our speech sound practice in also.

If you want to do this at home, and need help, just ask me!  I can help make up the vocabulary list, talk about ways to improve your child's phonemic awareness skills with sounds/rhyme/letters. I can help you develop those "wh" questions. Besides all this, enjoy reading with your children!!  They love to listen to stories and what a great time to spend with them.

**FLASHCARDS!!!! I love to use flashcards.  I like students to make their own.  I encourage them to use cards as a way to study and practice.  I have tried different websites to create them, and this site is my favorite!  Click HERE to be directed to a link that will let you make cards and save them as a file to your computer! **