Time to start making my phone calls again! I want to check in with families and see if there is anything else you need for speech therapy. I continue to have "office hours", but I can be available at most times that is convenient for you.
This week it's all about BOOKS!
This lesson will work for all speech and language skills
1. It all starts with a book! Make sure it has pictures.
2. Don't have a book at your house? Easy, you can listen to a story on YouTube! (we do this a lot in speech). In fact here is a link to a story Pancakes, Pancakes by Eric Carle
(you will have to start/stop the story to use all the strategies listed below)
3. Before you begin, look at the cover together and ask, "what do you think the story will be about?" (there is no right/wrong answer)
As you read:
*talk about the beginning middle and end of the book. *find words or pictures with your sound.
*ask "who, what, when, where, how questions"
*use prediction... "what do you think will happen next?"
*decide if it was good 👍 or not good 👎
4. At the end, ask your child, "what was that story about, and was our guess correct?"
There is no right or wrong way to enjoy a book. Simply reading to your child can help develop vocabulary, listening skills, thinking and reasoning, sequencing, attributes, speech sounds and so much more!
Our Webster Kindergarten Center has a link on the website called Story Time with Webster Staff. Click on it, and you can choose a staff member and listen to a story. Type the password "webster"... Did you see my story?
So pick up a book and explore it together.