I have been working on something called a Contingency Learning Plan. This is a document that will be attached to your child's IEP. (Webster only) It is the district's good faith effort and is a temporary plan to help provide access to services and appropriate materials during the closure of the traditional school.
Basically, it will allow me to continue using various resources to service your child for speech and language therapy since we cannot meet in person. Currently, I am using a blog for weekly lessons, email, phone calls, and I am available during office hours to supplement direct service for your child's IEP. Please email me if you have any questions. Your copy will be mailed to you on Tuesday, April 28th.
Welcome back to Week 3.

It's all about the DICE! You will need 1 die.
Where do you get this, you ask?
*borrow from another game
*Make your own (in your students' folder was a cut and paste handout
*Download an app on the phone or tablet and get a virtual dice.
*I have also been known to write numbers on pieces of paper and just pick a number out of a pile!
1. You will need a blank Dice Page Click and print.
(If you can't print, make one on a blank sheet of paper)
2. You will need your speech cards or use your sound hunt words.
4. See if you can fill in 5 spaces in a row or column. Take a few days to fill the entire sheet.
5. Try to rhyme with your speech words.
5. Try to describe your speech word (big, tall, furry, round, shiny, etc)
6. Try to name 3 items in the category. (word is doll; it's a "toy" some other toys are: blocks, legos, stuffed animals)
7. Have fun
Click HERE for more ideas and fun games to play with dice!