Don't forget that Webster packets are available for pick up today, Monday, April 13 from 9am-6pm. We will mail all packets not picked up. Your student should have their speech folders no later FRIDAY! If you do not receive the packet, please contact me at emarlett@eskymos.com.
**Students will be using their folders to play games, practice words, so keep them handy when you work on speech activities.**
Listed below are your assignments for the week.
1. Explore the blog! Find your way to the Esky Speech Corner Home Page, and check out "Online Resources" and "Apps for IPAD. You will be using Mrs. Marlett's tab on the homepage to access weekly activities.
2. Subscribe to my blog. There is an email subscription on the right-hand side. Just type your email in there and you will receive an email notification every time I update!
3. Post the calendars for the month of April and choose every day or at least 2-3 activities each week to complete.
4. For my Webster Little Mo's I have a link on the Distance learning Website to get to my blog. Please use it.
3. Let's talk about supplies! I know they are limited, so use what you have at home. It's always a good idea to have dice, whiteboard, dry erase marker, blank paper, glue, scissors, markers/crayons, pencil, and even colored paper.
STUDENTS: (please ask parents for help)
1. If you are working on a speech sound, please practice each word 3 times, 3-4 times weekly. Also, use the packet in your speech folder, it has a game board and a dice to help you. Create your own game and play it. Just make sure you say your word 3 times before you roll!
2. If you are working on language (basic concepts, vocabulary there is a scavenger hunt below. Just print and play. If you don't have printing access, I am working on digital/interactive links to be posted the next week. In the meantime use your April Calendar to do something every day!