Monday, June 1, 2020

Week 8

JUNE 1-5

Yes! As a parent myself I feel this sense of relief and I am looking forward to relaxing a little more.  I am proud of all of YOU!!  Without your support, your children could not continue on their path to good communication.  I can't wait to start a regular school year.     

Speech and Language Lesson and Summer Carryover

During the month of JUNE focus on Vocabulary building… expand your child’s vocabulary you should provide a variety of labels for activities and objects as you encounter them in daily life. Repeat the words frequently in different situations.  Help your child learn to categorize/classify groups of things. (Ex. Groups of fruits, vegetables, items at a park, things that live in the water/woods, things you can ride).

During the month of JULY focus on Modeling…you are the model for your child’s speech and language.  Speak slowly and clearly. (This is a good technique for children with fluency disorders)   If your child has articulation or grammatical errors, repeat the correct sound/structure often and with emphasis. 
During the month of AUGUST  focus on Verbal planning…verbally prepare your child for upcoming events/activities.  Discuss what will happen and review it afterward.  Provide specific sequences and time markers.   For example, create a short story with pictures about a trip.  Have your child retell it to several people using words such as first, next, soon, later and finally.   

Summer Calendars for you to print and post. These are a few additional daily speech and language activities to choose!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Week 7

MAY 25 - 29

This week is all about practicing what you already know.  Take the time to go through the speech folder.  Find your speech cards: 
(if you don't have your cards, click on the tab Speech Sounds in this blog and you can find a list) 

Practice saying words 3 times each day.  

Practice the"sound hunt"words from week 2. 

Use activities from Week 6 to help you carryover good speech and language skills.
(I think I encourage doing this one the most!!)  

PARENTS:  Remember speech and language opportunities happen all the time. YOU are a good "model" for your child.  Have fun and enjoy talking with your kids!  

Monday, May 18, 2020

Week 6

MAY 18 - 22

DID YOU KNOW..... Everyday Activities are considered LEARNING!  I bet you already do some of the things listed below and didn't even realize your child is learning from YOU!  Kids develop speech and language just by talking with them during your everyday activities.  

Speech and Language Lesson:

Pick 1 or 2 of the activities listed below that you might not have already done. Do that activity. Make sure to highlight their speech sounds, name items, describe actions while using attributes (words that describe a noun - soft, shiny, smooth, etc.)  Ask, answer questions, follow a sequence, or a routine.  Use drawing and coloring for some of these activities.  If you hear your child use incorrect word order or verbs, repeat back to them with the correct grammar or word order, just once.  Invite your children to join you in activities that are new and exciting and remember to TALK about them!! 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Week 5

MAY 11 - 15

It is a new month, so go ahead and toss your April Calendars and post your May Calendar

If you need another one, click HERE to print.  Go ahead and use the calendar to continue with speech and language activities.  

Lesson 5:  Speech and Language

Help your student explore the picture below.  You can help them, by asking "I wonder" questions.  I wonder questions open up the conversation instead of just yes/no answers. 

Ask your child to pretend you can't see the picture. Have them tell you all about it!  Make sure they label, describe things like colors, size, shapes, emotions, and what they see!   See if you can "guess" what the picture is! 

Expanding:   Take turns looking at your own pictures and use them to play this describing game.  Try to draw it from what your child has told you!   

1.  Find things in this photo that have your speech sound(s)?
2.  Make up a sentence about the photo using your best speech sound(s).
3.  Think of names with your speech sound for each fish in the photo.
4.  Make up a story about the man.
5.  Using your best speech sound(s), tell what you would do with all those fish and why (keep, eat, release,etc.)

1.  Describe what is happening in the photo.
2.  Where do you think this man is at?
3.  How did he get all those fish?
4.  What will he do at the end of the day?
5.  Categories are a group of items that belong together.
              Name 3 or more things that live in the water.
              Name 3 or more things that live in the woods
6.  Finish this sentence:  The man has a smile on his face because  _____________________.

SOCIAL QUESTIONS - Expanding on what you know
1.  How would you feel if you were sitting in a boat fishing?
2.  How would you feel if you caught a fish?
3.  How would you feel if your friend caught a fish?

Draw a picture of you fishing.  Tell someone about the picture.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Week 4

 MAY 4 - 8

Time to start making my phone calls again!  I want to check in with families and see if there is anything else you need for speech therapy.  I continue to have "office hours", but I can be available at most times that is convenient for you.  

This week it's all about BOOKS!   

This lesson will work for all speech and language skills

1.  It all starts with a book!  Make sure it has pictures. 

2.  Don't have a book at your house?   Easy, you can listen to a story on YouTube!  (we do this a lot in speech).  In fact here is a link to a story Pancakes, Pancakes by Eric Carle
             (you will have to start/stop the story to use all the strategies listed below)

3.  Before you begin, look at the cover together and ask, "what do you think the story will be about?" (there is no right/wrong answer)

As you read:  
*talk about the beginning middle and end of the book.  

*find words or pictures with your sound.

*ask "who, what, when, where, how questions"

*use prediction... "what do you think will happen next?"

*decide if it was good 👍 or not good 👎

4. At the end, ask your child, "what was that story about, and was our guess correct?"  

There is no right or wrong way to enjoy a book.  Simply reading to your child can help develop vocabulary, listening skills, thinking and reasoning, sequencing, attributes, speech sounds and so much more!    

Our Webster Kindergarten Center has a link on the website called Story Time with Webster Staff.   Click on it, and you can choose a staff member and listen to a story. Type the password "webster"... Did you see my story?  

So pick up a book and explore it together. 

Monday, April 27, 2020


APRIL 27- MAY 1 

I have been working on something called a Contingency Learning Plan.  This is a document that will be attached to your child's IEP. (Webster only)  It is the district's good faith effort and is a temporary plan to help provide access to services and appropriate materials during the closure of the traditional school.  

Basically, it will allow me to continue using various resources to service your child for speech and language therapy since we cannot meet in person. Currently, I am using a blog for weekly lessons, email, phone calls, and I am available during office hours to supplement direct service for your child's IEP.  Please email me if you have any questions.  Your copy will be mailed to you on Tuesday, April 28th.  

Welcome back to Week 3.  

It's all about the DICE!   You will need 1 die.  

Where do you get this, you ask?

*borrow from another game
*Make your own (in your students' folder was a cut and paste handout
*Download an app on the phone or tablet and get a virtual dice. 
*I have also been known to write numbers on pieces of paper and just pick a number out of a pile!


1.  You will need a blank Dice Page  Click and print.  
(If you can't print, make one on a blank sheet of paper) 

2.  You will need your speech cards or use your sound hunt words. 

3.  Roll the die, then say your word as many times as the die shows.  For example:  roll a 3, put a mark in the box under the 3, say your word 3 times.   Roll a 1, mark the box, say your word 1 time, etc.   

4.  See if you can fill in 5 spaces in a row or column.  Take a few days to fill the entire sheet.  

5.  Try to rhyme with your speech words.

5.  Try to describe your speech word (big, tall, furry, round, shiny, etc) 

6.  Try to name 3 items in the category. (word is doll; it's a "toy"  some other toys are: blocks, legos, stuffed animals)  

7.  Have fun 

Click HERE for more ideas and fun games to play with dice! 


Monday, April 20, 2020


APRIL 20-24

Welcome to Week 2! I am sure you are working hard at helping your student and learning all about google classroom, meetings, and online school. I continue to work on figuring out how to decrease print/paper activities and just use links directly to the speech therapy activities.

I have added a tab for Internet Tools. This will have various websites for continued speech and language resources and as I find them, I will continuously add to it.

IMPORTANT: If you have not received your student's speech folder please email me at They will need these folders to complete some of the activities.

I have office hours! If you have questions or want your student to say hello, just click the link and I will be there. You can also send me an email and I will respond right away. I look forward to connecting with each of you.

Let's get to work this week!! 😀 Remember to have fun and enjoy working together

Weekly Activity:
Let's go on a SOUND HUNT!

*You will need paper, scissors, pencil, crayon, marker
*Fold and Cut the paper into even pieces
*Look around your house, yard, neighborhood and find items that start with your sound.
*Parents or students write the word they find and students can draw a picture. You just made flashcards!

How to use your Sound Hunt Words for speech and language practice:
- Practice saying the words 3-5 times every day (parents can say the words first and the student repeats.
- Put your words in small sentences "I see a____."
-Play hide and seek - hide the cards and have the child find it and then say the word.

-Look up the definition for the word (define)
- Tell about your items include color, size, shape, function. (labeling and concepts)
-Tell if something goes with that item (associations)
-Tell about things that might belong in the same group (categories)
-Take 2 of the words and see if they are alike or not. (same/different)
- Find out if there is another word that means the same thing (multiple meanings)

Monday, April 13, 2020


  APRIL 13-17

Don't forget that Webster packets are available for pick up today, Monday, April 13 from 9am-6pm. We will mail all packets not picked up.  Your student should have their speech folders no later FRIDAY!  If you do not receive the packet, please contact me at   

**Students will be using their folders to play games, practice words, so keep them handy when you work on speech activities.**

Listed below are your assignments for the week.  


1.  Explore the blog!  Find your way to the Esky Speech Corner Home Page, and check out "Online Resources" and  "Apps for IPAD.   You will be using Mrs. Marlett's tab on the homepage to access weekly activities.  

2.  Subscribe to my blog.  There is an email subscription on the right-hand side.  Just type your email in there and you will receive an email notification every time I update!   

3.  Post the calendars for the month of April and choose every day or at least 2-3 activities each week to complete.  

4.  For my Webster Little Mo's I have a link on the Distance learning Website to get to my blog.  Please use it.   

3.  Let's talk about supplies!  I know they are limited, so use what you have at home.  It's always a good idea to have dice, whiteboard, dry erase marker, blank paper, glue, scissors, markers/crayons, pencil, and even colored paper.  

STUDENTS:  (please ask parents for help) 

1.  If you are working on a speech sound, please practice each word 3 times, 3-4 times weekly.  Also, use the packet in your speech folder, it has a game board and a dice to help you.  Create your own game and play it. Just make sure you say your word 3 times before you roll!   

2.  If you are working on language (basic concepts, vocabulary there is a scavenger hunt below.  Just print and play.  If you don't have printing access, I am working on digital/interactive links to be posted the next week.  In the meantime use your April Calendar to do something every day! 

Click here to access the Scavenger Hunt

Sunday, April 5, 2020



I have updated the letter that I am sending an email to all my families.  We have an Official pick up date you can get your childs speech folder:

Dear Families: 

Just a short note to let you know I miss all the kids and am working to connect with each of you.   I have been in several meetings over the past week, and we are working towards our plan for speech.  It is not an easy task. 

What I know as of now: 

  1. I will be sending your students' speech folder with a few extra items inside.  If you can not pick them up, don’t worry, we will mail them to you! 
Pick up date:   MONDAY, APRIL 13 9AM-6PM FRONT LOBBY
        2.  Starting April 13th I will have available office hours which you can email me, and I can call you by phone 
             or video chat on google hangouts.    I have a link on google Meets/Hangout click HERE to access. 
  Tuesday: 10am-12pm     Wed:  2pm-3pm Thursday:  5pm-7pm

I maintain a blog .  This is where I will post weekly activities for you and your child to complete.  Click on Mrs. Marlett’s link and you can choose the tab Weekly Links.  

Thank you all for your patience as we try to figure this out.  I am always available through my email which I check every day.  

Emily Marlett
Speech-Language Therapist 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Happy Reading Month!  We are starting our celebration with our "Let's Go Camping" theme. Anything about the woods, tents, smores are a  good thing!  All of our doors are decorated as well as our school.Stop in and take a look! 

This month we are reading stories about camping. 

We continue to use stories and books to work on vocabulary, grammar, sequencing, retelling, and of course those speech sounds.  

Here are a few of my favorite books that I read each
week to the kids. You can probably find these books at our local library to read again. Or find some new ones that might be your child's favorite. 

** School is canceled until April 5th**

Please see the school website for all necessary and updated information.  I look forward to being back with all of my students in April!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Where is the time going??!! Happy Groundhogs Day, Valentines Day, Presidents Day!!!  It is a busy month, and soon the kids will be celebrating the 100th Day!!

The first week of February we celebrated Groundhogs!   We took a poll to see if the kids thought the groundhog would see his shadow.  It was a tie, but we all know he didn't see his shadow.... EARLY SPRING here we come!!   We read Who Will See Their Shadows This Year by Jerry Pallotta.  We also read Groundhog Day by Betsy Lewin.  We talked about how shadows are made, and made our own shadows on the tables, walls, and floor.

The week of Feb. 10th-14th we will start our Valentine unit.  Targeted areas will be vocabulary, traditions, speech sounds and reading a few books.

We are playing Valentine Bingo game with Froot Loops as bingo chips.  It's always a good time in Speech Class!!
DON'T FORGET WE DON'T HAVE SCHOOL ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH. Teachers will be in Professsional Development that day.


MARCH is  READING MONTH!  It's always a lot of fun, and we do such fun lessons..... just a "hint" as to the theme this year.....

Friday, January 3, 2020


WELCOME BACK!  Happy New Year !! It certainly was a nice break.  I hope everyone had a chance to rest, and recharge.  I am ready to be back on a schedule and start working!

This month we will be talking about WINTER...brrrrrr.  We will be targeting listening skills, vocabulary and speech sounds that talk about the season.

Students will be playing snow games, and will continue working on their goals!  We might sneak in some
hot chocolate this month!

We will read The Biggest, Best Snowman by Margery Cuyler.  This book targets our skills for sequencing, recall, and social language.  We will pair it with a snowman listening worksheet and learn basic concepts for "widest/narrowest" "first, second, third" and first, middle, end".  

When we use books in therapy, we transform them into lessons.  We can learn new vocabulary, strengthen our listening and attention skills, and we can work on answering those "wh" questions about what we heard.  There are always ways to get our speech sound practice in also.

If you want to do this at home, and need help, just ask me!  I can help make up the vocabulary list, talk about ways to improve your child's phonemic awareness skills with sounds/rhyme/letters. I can help you develop those "wh" questions. Besides all this, enjoy reading with your children!!  They love to listen to stories and what a great time to spend with them.

Stay warm this month!